Bihar Wedding Awards 2024, a night filled with glamour, talent, and celebration, unfolded on November 1st at the prestigious PIWF Institute in Patna. Organized by PIWF Institute

Special Recognitions:

We are here to celebrate and honor the best in the wedding industry


Highlights of Nominees:

A video or presentation showcases the shortlisted nominees in each category.

Brief profiles and highlights of their work are shared, emphasizing their expertise, creativity, and client satisfaction.

This segment aims to create excitement and build anticipation for the winners.


Guest Speaker:

A prominent figure from the wedding industry or a related field is invited to share insights, trends, or inspiring stories. Their speech focuses on the significance of weddings, the evolving industry, and the importance of recognition


Winners Announcement:

Each award category winner is announced one by one.

The recipient’s name is called, and they are invited on stage to receive the award.

The winner’s achievements and contributions are briefly highlighted.


Acceptance Speeches

Winners have the opportunity to deliver short acceptance speeches, expressing gratitude and acknowledging their team, clients, and supporters.

These speeches can provide insights into their creative processes, challenges faced, and future goals.

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