The Bihar Wedding Awards 2023, a spectacle of talent and creativity, illuminated the night of November 1st at the prestigious PIWF Institute in Patna. Hosted by PIWF Institute, this grand event celebrated the crème de la crème of the wedding industry. Among the luminaries honored, one name shone brightest: Rohit Singh from Imamganj, Bihar’s Poonam Films, recipient of the esteemed Best Cinematography award.
Awards Given By SONY – SAROJ DORA & MR .NOOR ALAM & RAVI KUMAR ( Perfect Systems CAMERA SHOP )
The Best Cinematography Award:
The night reached its pinnacle with the announcement of Rohit Singh as the winner of the Best Cinematography award. Applause filled the room as Rohit, humble and appreciative, took the stage. In his acceptance speech, he expressed gratitude for his team, mentors, and the event organizers, emphasizing the collaborative spirit behind his cinematic achievements.
#BiharWeddingAwards #CinematographyExcellence #BestCinematographer #WeddingFilms #RohitSinghCinematography #ImamganjBihar #PoonamFilms #VisualStorytelling #AwardWinningCinematography #WeddingCinematographer #CinematicMoments #EmotionalFrames #BiharWeddingIndustry #CreativeWeddingFilms #RohitSinghJourney #InnovationInCinematography #CapturingMemories #CinematicMasterpiece #CelebratingTalent #WeddingCinematographyArtistry #CinematographyInspiration #CreativeVisuals
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